I love science!
I love coming up with ideas for experiments, building experiments, I even enjoy running statistics!
After spending a wonderful year at Gorilla/Cauldron Science, I'm pleased to announce that I will be joining NielsenIQ as Neuroscience Director in the Autumn.
I'm a Psychologist and Neuroscientist with a BSc in Psychology and PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience from Royal Holloway University of London.
Over the last 15 years, I have worked in industry (GlaxoSmithKline, Nielsen, Gorilla) and academia (Trinity College Dublin, ETH Zürich, Royal Holloway) investigating a range of topics including: neuroimaging methods, comparative neuroanatomy, neuroeconomics and social decision making, rule-based learning and automation, early markers of cognitive decline in ageing, and reward and motivation in autism spectrum conditions. Through all these experiences I have developed a unique scientific approach that combines an in-depth theoretical knowledge with an understanding of product placement and real-world impact.
The quality of my work has been recognised through:
48 peer-reviewed publications in a range of top international journals - click here for full publication list
winning grant funding totalling approximately £1.5million
being an invited speaker at multiple international conferences and top universities around the world (for example, Oxford, Cambridge, KU Leuven (Belgium), National University of Singapore).
To download a copy of my CV, please click here

If you would like more information about my main research interests then please click the images below